About us

Made up of medical experts from all medical specialties, our team’s mission is to develop the 1st artificial intelligence system applied to medical biology anomalies.


Deepia's mission is to develop
the first Artificial Intelligence solution applied to medical biology.

Making technology a useful and accessible tool for practitioners and professionals.

Artificial Intelligence at the service
of healthcare professionals

We provide state-of-the-art data processing technologies in a simple, accessible way.

Improved quality and efficiency
of care for patients

Our ultimate goal is to enable technology to improve the working conditions of healthcare professionals, for better patient care.

The support us

Our partners


Deepia is a French technology company,
founded by biologists, doctors and engineers.

Our solutions are created by professionals who experience these situations on a daily basis.

Pr Patrice Cacoub
MD, Ph.D.

Clinical Manager

Dr Sylvain Bodard

Responsible for the interface between AI and medical

Maxime Langevin


Dan Ringwald


Deepia develops algorithms that detect
more than 200 biological anomalies.

Thanks to precise data models and the addition of artificial intelligence, we guide healthcare professionals in their diagnoses.